Wednesday, April 2, 2014

point of view- pigeon mission

2nd Agent

Today was my first day on the job. I was just suppose to get the suitcase to my advisor and watch how he does business. I walk to the road and hand him the suitcase in a sneaky fashion. I walk over to the corner and stand next to the tree, i watch him. He sits on the bench, opens the suitcase and starts eating his bagel. He notices a pigeon standing on the back of the bench close to him staring down his bagel. He tears off a piece of the bagels and throws it, it bird looks at the piece he threw then back at him. The bird obviously wanted the whole thing not just a piece, he flew off the back of the bench and went after Bob, my advisor, Bob threw the bagel and the bird threw to retrieve it and when the bird sat on the top of the suticase the case fell over, enclosing the bird inside. Bob noticed what happened and went to go get the bird out, but the bird started pushing buttons. The case fell around, then started shooting lasers everywhere. It was chaos! Bob was hiding in the door way of a shoppe and the bird was flying around inside the case and shooting everything just looking for the bagel. Bob ran out and the case came back shooting at him, he hit the ground and noticed the bagel. He used the bagel to get the birds attention, he tried to pry the bird out of the case dangling the bagel as bait. The bird noticed the trap and went back in the case, the bird point the gun at Bob telling him to set the bagel on the ground. Bob started to set the bagel down, then he threw it in the air, the bird looked up at the bagel and Bob knocked the bird out of the case, as the bagel came down it must've hit the big red no-touchy-button. The rocket started to fly in the air and Bob used the jetpack built into the case and chased after it., the bird chased after him. persistent to get that bagel. The bird landed on the suitcase and stared him right in the eyes, daring him to shoot him. He really wanted that bagel. Bob opened the suitcase and the bagel flew in the air, the bird flew after the bagel and Bob used a missile to shoot down the rocket. When Bob got back on the ground he looked at the bird, then in the air and noticed that the rocket was coming down, he gave that stubborn bird a sly smile and walked away. The rocket landed right on the bird and his bagel, making the pigeon part of the pavement.

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